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About C. C Davie

"Writer of sapphic fantasy with a slight caffeine addiction, no filter and a gaggle of morally grey characters running me ragged."

I adored reading from a young age, and would constantly be disappearing off into different worlds both on the page and within my own daydreams. My taste in books has always been incredibly eclectic, and spans many genres (which is terrible for my mile long TBR) 

But it's my love of fantasy, and the desire to see healthy LGBTQ+ representation within these worlds that inspired me to create both the Wytchling and Pendragon series.

Abstract texture background for design. Stage light and smoke on stage, lighting and spotl
A Sapphic Dark Romance
The Pendragon Wytch

New Release!

As long as I can remember my shadows have whispered to me, speaking in a voice both young and ancient. I have learned to mind them, let them guide me through life even when I do not understand their messages. They whisper now to me, a song of sorrow and heartache that weaves itself around the woman I love. A song I do not want to listen to, yet know I cannot run from.
King Arthur has taken this land. Aided by his advisor Merlin and the legions he commands, he has swept over this once prosperous Kingdom like a plague, chasing the last of the Sylvyns into the far south in his quest for power. 
They have nowhere to run now, there is no further to go and I fear the bargains that will be made to protect them are ones that will haunt me for the rest of my immortal life.

I was born touched by Nimmet, both a blessing and a curse.

— Morgana



The Wytchlings are coming to screen!

The series has been picked up by American producer Anthony Young, and all going well, these feisty characters will be ripping up the big screen soon!

Follow me on instagram and my newsletter to get up to date information on this as it becomes available.


Heliacle optioned for screen
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